Educational, Fun, and Safe - Currently accepting horses in for full training at Hablyn Hills Equestrian Center

Jaclyn in available in Damascus, MD at her farm Hablyn Hills Equestrian for lessons and training. Please contract us for the most up to date information and pricing.
Training & Lesson rides - $85 off farm, $85 @ farm includes ring/xc fee
Training Boarding
Packages start at $1,400 monthly. Jaclyn has years of experience dealing young inexperience thoroughbreds to season competitors looking for their next partner. Her three star horse, Chance of Flurries, had been solely trained by Jaclyn, and the results speak to her riding and training skills. Horses are kept at Hablyn Hills Equestrian Center property and includes rides and or lessons 5 days a week. Individualized turnout, feeding, and care.
Three Day Event - $85 (includes course walks & jumping warmup)
Trailering - inquire about price
Selling horses:
10% commission on sales price, Jaclyn has the experience to help you get your horse sold. Majority of horses sold within Burke Equestrian sell between 30-90 days of being on the market for more than the owners expected. Let Jaclyn handle finding your horse a new home. Excellent references available.
Contact Jaclyn at [email protected]
for Lessons and Training Information and to speak with Jaclyn directly about your own needs.
Training & Lesson rides - $85 off farm, $85 @ farm includes ring/xc fee
Training Boarding
Packages start at $1,400 monthly. Jaclyn has years of experience dealing young inexperience thoroughbreds to season competitors looking for their next partner. Her three star horse, Chance of Flurries, had been solely trained by Jaclyn, and the results speak to her riding and training skills. Horses are kept at Hablyn Hills Equestrian Center property and includes rides and or lessons 5 days a week. Individualized turnout, feeding, and care.
Three Day Event - $85 (includes course walks & jumping warmup)
Trailering - inquire about price
Selling horses:
10% commission on sales price, Jaclyn has the experience to help you get your horse sold. Majority of horses sold within Burke Equestrian sell between 30-90 days of being on the market for more than the owners expected. Let Jaclyn handle finding your horse a new home. Excellent references available.
Contact Jaclyn at [email protected]
for Lessons and Training Information and to speak with Jaclyn directly about your own needs.